Welcome to the Callous Blog!

This is my personal blog!  Here I talk about many things pop culture, including (but not limited to) comics, webcomics, movies, TV, and music!  And of course, I'll talk about Callous!

To join a discussion, just click on the title of the blog post that interests you then you'll be directed to that post's page where comments and replies to that entry reside.

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24th Anniversary Call for Guest Art!

May 9, 2020
Update: Deadline has been moved to August 30, 2020!

Hey everyone!

I hope you're all staying safe and healthy!
August 7, 2020 will be the 24th anniversary of Callous and I'd like to celebrate this milestone by once again opening up for guest art and artist promotion! But this time, we'll do something a bit more fun and perhaps help someone in need.

If you're interested, you'll be making the middle panel of a three-panel comic strip! Following the guidelines below, you can pretty much do whatever you want and I'll be writing and drawing the first and last panel based on what you submit! 

It is my hope to have enough comic strips to publish one per day for the month of August, so I'll be selecting up to 30 submissions! 

You'll have the gutter space to the left of your center panel for your primary credit and self-promotion within the comic strip's image and more in the caption/post description when they publish online. 

Furthermore, I'll submit the selected comic strips to Manila Bulletin for their consideration to publish in their comics page. That's a potential reach of more than half a million views per day!

And, perhaps most important of all, 100% of these comic strips' income from newspaper publishing for the month of August 2020 will be donated to Oplan Malasakit, a fund raising effort to purchase PPEs for our frontliners fighting COVID-19.

Still interested? Here are the guidelines:
  • All content should be for all ages!
  • Only digital submissions (full-color or black and white) are accepted, preferably in unflattened PSD format.
  • Submissions should be intended for newsprint and preferably in CMYK color mode with all linework, lettering, and colors intended to appear flat black be at 100% K on a separate layer. If you don't understand that, you may submit your work in RGB with all linework, lettering, and colors intended to appear black in a separate layer and I'll do the proper formatting. Black gradients are acceptable as long as they're on that "black layer." If you're still lost after all that (probably because I don't really know what I'm talking about) then just submit in whatever format you want. ;)
  • Submission dimensions are preferably 1186 pixel width and 1127 pixel height at 300 dpi. You may submit at a higher resolution with the same image dimension proportion ratio, but not at a lower resolution.
  • Deadline for submissions is on August 30, 2020.
  • Send your image submissions as an e-mail attachment or as a download link to caz@callouscomics.com
You don't have to be an artist to help!
Oplan Malasakit
is an initiative to help our fellow Filipinos in time of need. It was officially organized by Dr. Tiger Garrido (who inspired the Callous character, Dr. Tiger Kaiserslautern) and his friends. For more information about the organization and how you can help, visit the Oplan Malasakit Page on Facebook

Caz holds "Braving Life One Cup at a Time" for the first time!

September 3, 2016
The night before AsiaPOP Comicon Manila 2016, the comic convention I planned to launch Braving Life One Cup at a Time at, I finally got the first batch of copies of the book.  Relive the excitement with me here!

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Review: Torchlight Lullaby by Ryan Fisher

August 7, 2016
Torchlight LullabyTorchlight Lullaby by Ryan Fisher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As a webcomic artist, I've known the author for quite a long time and have enjoyed his previous forays into comic strips. But having made the transition into writing comic books myself, I can say that Ryan Fisher's accomplishment with Torchlight Lullaby is gargantuan.

It's a thoroughly enjoyable all-ages read with tight pacing and a lovable lead character. There's a sense of urgency from the get-go which makes it a page-turner, but the...
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The 20th Anniversary Book!

July 10, 2016

The cover to the upcoming 20th anniversary book, Callous - Braving Life One Cup at a Time

PRE-ORDER your copy of "Callous - Braving Life One Cup at a Time" now!

INTERNATIONAL PRE-ORDERS - Head on over to the Indiegogo campaign page and select a reward tier through the following link: http://igg.me/at/callous20years

PHILIPPINES - send a private message to the Callous - The Comic Series Page on Facebook or e-mail me with the subject line "Callous at 20 Pre-order" with the following informatio...

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BABYMETAL - One Year Later

August 1, 2015

BABYMETAL with Babybones circa 2012 (from tvqc.com)

    Around March 2014, I first heard of the "metal" musical group known as BABYMETAL.  I immediately dismissed it as something I'd probably never get into.  If other people were into it, good for them, but I certainly wouldn't be.  The premise just sounded like something that could not work.  Even the name sounded ridiculous.

    Then around a year ago, in July 2014, I chanced upon the music video for Doki Doki Morning through my Facebook time...

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The Movie (and Music) that Changed My Life

January 4, 2015
    We hear it often: "That was a life-changing experience!"  In 1991, while the verbal exclamation was not expressed, I thought the same after watching a certain movie.
    Not many people remember it but 1991 was a GREAT year for movies. Look at what came out: The Silence of the Lambs, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Beauty and the Beast, Hook, The Addams Family, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Boyz n the Hood, Thelma & Louise, JFK, City Slickers, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (my perso...
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My Awesome Mix Tape Vol. 1

August 5, 2014

    Well hey, I really enjoyed the Guardians of the Galaxy movie!  And now there's a trending topic going around my various timelines... sharing your own awesome mix tape!  Heck, I'm a sucker for nostalgic stuff like this so here's my mix!
    This should certainly come as a surprise to those who didn't know me from high school.  Here are some rock and metal tracks that came to me from the top of my head.  There's no real sense to the songs selected, I just enjoy them!  I hope you do too!

  1. Led Z...

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Coming Up: The 3rd Komikon Grand Independent Komiks Market (Indieket 2014)

July 29, 2014

    This Saturday, August 2, 2014, is Komikon's third grand independent komiks market, or more popularly known as Indieket 2014.  It'll be at the Bayanihan Center once again, which is along Pioneer avenue in Pasig City, Philippines.
    The Indieket showcases up-and-coming talents in the local comic industry and top indies receive a free booth in an upcoming Komikon event, among other prizes.
    I'll be there at table E04!  Highlights of my booth include all Callous comic books, M.O.U.S.E. Cha...

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July 29, 2014

    I talked about how much I admired the concept and theme of the band itself in my previous blog post, but how good is their music?  That's what it should be about, right?  So here, I review their debut album, the self-titled BABYMETAL.
    The titular trio are SuMetal, YuiMetal, and MoaMetal.  The first of which is the band's lead vocalist while the other two are the resident "screamers".
    The group, no doubt, is a genre-mixing monster.  It can become a bit jarring once you get to some of...

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A band called BABYMETAL

July 12, 2014
    Three little teenage girls are taking on the heavy metal world with a... unique take on the sacred genre.

    Just a few days ago, my high school metal days returned to me when an old metalhead friend posted the above music video on Facebook. He had previously introduced me to the Japanese metal group Maximum the Hormone so I take his recommendations seriously. But... "Babymetal"?!

    Admittedly, I didn't know what to think of this group at first.  A trio of Japanese Idol girls fusing Bubb...

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About the Author

Carlo Jose Caz is a practicing licensed physician, professional voice actor/talent, writer, and cartoonist. He has been working on the Callous comic strip since 1996, winning several of The LaSallian's Silver Quill awards for his work. He has written several published short stories. He currently lives in the Philippines with his wife and two children.


adrastus adventure afc ahsoka aimee ambush and andre andrew angeles animate animation anniversary appearance arc art artist artists artwork attack awesome azkals babymetal bacolod baguio battle bayanihan bill birthday blog blogging book books brain break bulletin button caffeine cal caligdong callous calvin candace care carlo cartooning caz challenge chanceborough character characters chaturanga chess chip chocolate christmas chronicles city clone clothes clothing coco columbia comic comics comicx compilations con contest convention cookbook cooking core cosplay cosplayer cosplaying costume creators cui cup david day deer digicon digital dlsu doctor doofenshmirtz doves drawing dre dreams duck ducks ebong estanislao exhibit fall fan fans fantasy fashion fb3c fcbd feature feeding ferb fes fesworks fifteen figures figurines filipino fixture florendo flynn football for frame free frontliners gadget game ganda gender gift gtmaccon guardian guest guest art guys hair heartbreak heavy hiatus holiday hub in independent indie indieket indies innes inspector internet interview issa j-pop january jedi john johnny jose joson juan ka kami kay kho kobametal komik komikon komiks komodo kurt kyojin layout lighter lin litton liz lloyd los m.o.u.s.e. manila match maximus mcc me medicine merchandise metal metro miniseries mix moametal mongolia monzon movie movies muscovy music name naming nbn news newspaper nicah no of omeng on online opinion orbit panaad paperless patient pendant penny philippines philosophy phineas physician pin play podcast pop ppe prizes promotion public publishing read ree reign report review rewrite rianne rock rommel ryan fisher saint san santa sasso schedule schopfer script sculpture season secret self-promotion she she-ka she... sheryl shingeki shop signing silent singapore sketch smuf soccer staley star stgcc store story storyline stress strip studios style su-metal submit summer surprise talking tano tape tech techniques ted television tgt thank the titan torchlight lullaby toy twitter two ukg umagang united upcoming update updates v vanessa vendetta video villar wars webcomic webcomics what's wishes woodchuck writing years you younghusband yuimetal 1 4 17 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014