Welcome to Callous!  Follow Dr. Rianne Nicah, a struggling physician, as she braves the world with her Guardian Duck, Cal Duck! Published in print since August 7, 1996, online since 1997! Click on a comic strip's link to view and enter comments! 

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22 August 2014

Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Thursday, August 21, 2014,

Once again, I reference Irma Eriksson's comic, "Imy"!  In the center panel, Rianne is wearing a version of Imy's classic "ROCK" shirt!  Seriously, if you're even remotely entertained by my comic, you'll love "Imy"! :)  CHECK IT OUT HERE!

Also, for this strip you may find Rianne's "rock on" hand gesture in the center panel a bit unusual. It's not her usual "Sign of Horns", but the "Kitsune", in reference to the "cute metal" band Babymetal. They were first introduced to me by Liz Staley of the c...

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Guest Artwork by Liz Staley

Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Friday, August 5, 2011,

This epic guest art was done by no other than the magnificent Liz Staley who does the awesome comic, Adrastus!  Here she depicts Rianne in the fantasy side of Callous Comics, brandishing her sword, Retskaffenfaust!  In the background is the ever-mysterious Guardian Duck, Master Kalus.

Adrastus is a rockin' comic which is a sort of homage to the campy Japanese TV "mystical giant robot" genre. There's not much like it out there and recently it has been picking up a lot of steam!  So go check ...
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All Callous comic strips are written and illustrated by Carlo Jose San Juan unless otherwise specified.  Lettering by Carlo Jose S. San Juan, MD and Phil Elliott  

Callous, Callous Comics, The Callous Comic Strip and all related characters, images, and situations are Copyright 1996, 2025 Carlo Jose San Juan

Cal Duck and Dr. Rianne Nicah of Callous Comics
Creative Commons License
Callous - The Comic Strip by Carlo Jose S. San Juan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at callouscomics.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://callouscomics.com.

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