Welcome to Callous!  Follow Dr. Rianne Nicah, a struggling physician, as she braves the world with her Guardian Duck, Cal Duck! Published in print since August 7, 1996, online since 1997! Click on a comic strip's link to view and enter comments! 

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Showing Tag: " dimples" (Show all posts)

Baby Epiphany

Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Tuesday, May 22, 2012,

Today I wanted a strip outside of the hospital so I had Audrey Nicah and Dimples Dauphine admire a baby in the park.
Back in 1999 I was at the precipice between continuing to produce "edgy" material and shifting to an all-ages type of look and humor for Callous.  One of my early attempts at pursuing the latter featured children, usually starring Dimples.

Another thing about the characters of Callous is that they do age.  When Dimples was first introduced she was younger than you see here and Ri...
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Lolly Magic

Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Friday, May 18, 2012,

    Hey everyone!  Here's a bonus comic strip for today! :D
    Looks like another year has passed and it's Dialogue Free Comics Day once more!  Organized annually by Noel Curry, he explains "Dialogue Free Comics Day" as follows:
    "Too often, when writing webcomics I forget that this is primarily a visual artform and so to emphasise that, I’ve set myself the challenge of posting a dialogue free comic on that day..."
    I've contributed every year so far and yet it's still hard to kick the...
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Pretend Prerequisite

Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Wednesday, March 30, 2011,

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Guard On

Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Wednesday, October 27, 2010,
This is part of the storyline, "Dark Escape"!  Click HERE to start from the beginning then click "Next Post" to proceed!

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Slim Pickings

Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Tuesday, October 26, 2010,
This is part of the storyline, "Dark Escape"! Click HERE to start from the beginning then click "Next Post" to proceed!

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Sunday Coolness

Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Sunday, April 25, 2010,
This is Callous' first ever Sunday-strip sized comic.  It was an experiment but I'm quite satisfied with it. And that means Callous is now truly a daily comic with updates seven days a week!

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All Callous comic strips are written and illustrated by Carlo Jose San Juan unless otherwise specified.  Lettering by Carlo Jose S. San Juan, MD and Phil Elliott  

Callous, Callous Comics, The Callous Comic Strip and all related characters, images, and situations are Copyright 1996, 2024 Carlo Jose San Juan

Cal Duck and Dr. Rianne Nicah of Callous Comics
Creative Commons License
Callous - The Comic Strip by Carlo Jose S. San Juan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at callouscomics.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://callouscomics.com.

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