Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Tuesday, December 2, 2014,

This was just a snippet of a long discussion about art that I was a part of on Twitter at some point. I brought up the suggestion that art, being a form of expression, should be perceived to fulfill its purpose. Then, in reference to "the tree falling in the woods with no one around", I brought up the question that should art never be perceived, would it still be art?
These were thoughts that I just threw out there. The discussion was fascinating and made me think, "what IS art, anyway...
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10 January 2014 - Guest Art from The Demon Archives
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Thursday, January 9, 2014,
11 October 2013
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Thursday, October 10, 2013,

Today I received a wonderful surprise through Facebook:

Dr. Rianne Nicah and Ling Duck by Christian Kaw
I was a huge fan of
Heavy Metal magazine back in the day when it was readily available in magazine stores in my country. It introduced me to the fantasy comic genre and to numerous artists who would later on inspire and influence me in my own craft, most notably Massimiliano Frezzato, who is to this day my favorite comic artist.
It's memories of those days of reading the magazine that...
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24 September 2013
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Monday, September 23, 2013,

Last night I was delighted to receive the following guest art for the 17th Anniversary of
Callous celebration!

Dr. Rianne Nicah and Cal Duck by Michelle Soneja
This absolutely gorgeous guest artwork is by Michelle "Shelly" Soneja, one of the artists of
Robot with a Smile, a studio which provides artistic services for video games, illustrations, comics, and the like! I love that she took some liberties with Cal Duck's relative size to Rianne, to very cute effect! I admittedly haven't been ...
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7 August 2013 - 17th Anniversary
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Tuesday, August 6, 2013,

Hey everyone!
Well, what do you know? My little comic strip is
17 years old! I would never have thought that many years ago that this day could be a reality... yet here we are.
It's still so surreal to me that the once deeply hidden side of me would eventually spawn a second profession. Thank you to everyone, readers and friends, for being so supportive! And to those who have expressed just how much my work has brightened your day, as long as I can, I'll move mountains to keep at it...
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3 August 2013
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Friday, August 2, 2013,

Hey everyone!
As we continue our countdown to August 7, 2013 (which is
Callous' 17th anniversary) I'll be featuring guest art below the regular comic strips! Let's see what awesomeness awaits us today!

Dr. Rianne Nicah by Ronzkie Pacho Vidal
This absolutely stunning rendition of Rianne is by the amazing Ronzkie Pacho Vidal of
Ikos Komiks! I get floored every time I see her work online and I was just delighted to receive this piece! Her self-published comic books are also some of the m...
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Back Out
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Thursday, April 5, 2012,

This is part of the "Regret" storyline! Click
HERE to start from the beginning then click "Next Post" to proceed!
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Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Tuesday, March 27, 2012,

This is part of the "Regret" storyline! Click
HERE to start from the beginning then click "Next Post" to proceed!
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Corner Art
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Monday, March 19, 2012,

This is part of the storyline, "Regret" storyline! Click
HERE to start from the beginning then click "Next Post" to proceed!
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All Eyes
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Monday, February 6, 2012,
Culinary Introspection
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Sunday, January 22, 2012,
Guest Art by Cátia Ana da Silva
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Tuesday, December 6, 2011,

This marvelous painting of Dr. Rianne and Cal Duck is by a wonderful Brazilian artist, Cátia Ana da Silva! In the e-mail this painting was attached to, Cátia Ana explained that she had been painting (of the non-digital sort) using India Ink lately and decided to use this medium in depicting the main protagonists of Callous Comics while adding an extra touch that Rianne and Cal would love... she also used coffee!
Cátia Ana has an innovative online illustrated tale of a young woman r...
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Guest Art by Freely Abrigo
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Thursday, December 1, 2011,

This delightful guest art of Dr. Rianne is by
The Manila Bulletin cartoonist,
Freely Abrigo! Here she dons a Cal Duck hat, which is cute in itself, but what stands out to me is her expression of utter glee! It truly makes you feel her joy while it has you wondering what in the world has her feeling so great.
Such is the talent behind such beloved comic series as
Kulas and
Kapitan Tog. I am very honored to have Rianne taken form from Freely's drawing hand! You can certainly appreciate the c...
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Guest Art by Andrew Villar
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Saturday, November 26, 2011,
This intense guest work is by Andrew Villar of
Ambush fame! Colors by yours truly.
The original line work of this piece was
featured before in the blog. I thought I'd feature it again in color! Depicted in this energized artwork is a battle-weary Amber Tiffany whose wounds are being tended to by
Callous Comics' Doctors Rianne Nicah and Aimee Queens, who both have apparently seen some action themselves!
Ambush is a regular adventure comic strip published in the
Manila Bulletin. Be sure to fo...
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Guest Art by Ferrari Ferrarez
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Monday, November 21, 2011,
This phenomenal guest art of Cal Duck and the Retskaffenfaust-brandishing Rianne is by Ferrari Ferrarez! Unfinished colors by yours truly.
This was actually a commissioned piece as Ferrari was at a nearby table during Metro Comic Con 2011. I asked if he could try drawing my characters in his style and he accepted the challenge! I was expecting a little sketch on a piece of paper but the following day he gave me this drawing which filled up an entire A3 sheet! I gave him a free copy of my b...
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Dark Art
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Wednesday, October 5, 2011,
Guest Cartoon by Wendy Wood
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Sunday, August 7, 2011,
This delightful guest art is from
Wendy Wood who does the comic series,
Gilbert and the Grim Rabbit! We've noticed this coincidence before regarding Thalia and Muscovy Duck's shirts and Wendy made this great cartoon off of it!
I first encountered Wendy in 2009 in the
Webcomic List forum where she is an admin. If you do go to that forum and want to personalize your profile picture and signature, Wendy's the person to go to! But for that time, that's as far as our correspondence went.
Then, in...
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Guest Artwork by Liz Staley
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Friday, August 5, 2011,
This epic guest art was done by no other than the magnificent Liz Staley who does the awesome comic,
Adrastus! Here she depicts Rianne in the fantasy side of Callous Comics, brandishing her sword, Retskaffenfaust! In the background is the ever-mysterious Guardian Duck, Master Kalus.
Adrastus is a rockin' comic which is a sort of homage to the campy Japanese TV "mystical giant robot" genre. There's not much like it out there and recently it has been picking up a lot of steam! So go check ...
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Guest Artwork by Sheryl Schopfer
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Thursday, August 4, 2011,
Starting off the celebrations for
Callous Comics' 15th anniversary is this great guest artwork by
Sheryl Schopfer, the incredible artist behind the endearing and charming comic series,
Deer Me!
I first encountered Sheryl in 2009 as she was organizing the
Webcomic Secret Santa Exchange. I thought that doing such a thing on a yearly basis was quite nice of her and I started following her comic since! I'm so happy she took part in helping me celebrate this milestone. Thank you so much, my frie...
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A Good Artist
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Friday, March 11, 2011,
Guest Holiday Art by Ernest John Daryll Fiestan
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Thursday, December 23, 2010,
This amazing piece of holiday art is by the incredibly talented Ernest John Daryll Fiestan, author of
Crazy Metro comics!
It features most of my recurring characters all dressed up and merry for the season, it's just absolutely wonderful! Thank you so much, Ernest, and Merry Christmas!
Please go check out
Crazy Metro now!
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Guest Art by Lyndon Nuyles
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Wednesday, December 1, 2010,
This great piece of guest art is by Lyndon Nuyles! He's a talented artist and has recently been impressing the local indie scene with his interpretations of various characters! Thanks, Lyndon! Can't wait to see what you have in store in the future!
Lyndon Nuyles and Darco do the great comic book,
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Guest Art by Jess Warren
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Wednesday, September 8, 2010,
This adorable piece of guest art is by Jess Warren, the genius behind the delightful
Borked Planet and
Jess was the inspiration behind the unicorn
Bel Bean rode down a rainbow in the storyline:
The Land of the Guardians. That says a lot about her cheerful personality! Thanks so much, Jess!
Be a Borksketeer! Check out the cute characters of Jess Warren's
Borked Planet! Also see what
Smellabell is up to!
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Guest Artwork by Dustin Reese
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Sunday, September 5, 2010,
This fantastic drawing of Rianne during her time in the Land of the Guardians is by Dustin Reese! He is the great talent behind the incredibly entertaining and heartwarming comic,
Plus One!
Dustin surprised me one day with this drawing in my e-mail inbox. He said this was a quick scribble on his
Wacom tablet and I think it came out great! This is his rendition of a now classic frame from the "
Lady from the Moon" comic strip from the
Callous storyline,
The Land of the Guardians! Thanks Dust...
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Modern Art
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Saturday, September 4, 2010,
Guest Comic Strip by Dustin Reese
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Friday, May 28, 2010,
This great guest comic strip is by Dustin Reese! He writes and illustrates the comic,
Plus One! Tsk, tsk, oh Rianne... she may be right but she's gotta learn to keep her mouth shut sometimes. Or at least whisper...
Plus One follows Desmond and Violet as they weed through the many pregnancy myths
and legends, discovering just what its like to be an expecting parent (and lately, what it's like to be new parents)!
Just a few of the obstacles standing between their success include
telling f...
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Guest Comic by Bearman Cartoons
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Wednesday, May 5, 2010,
Today's great
Callous guest comic is by
Bearman Cartoons. a brilliant comic series with a funny take on politics and pop culture! Thank you so much! I sure wish I was chillin' as much as Cal Duck! :-)
Bearman Cartoons currently have an admirable charity drive going on where cartoonists, bloggers, and other online enthusiasts can help out by performing simple tasks! Click on the following link to see how you can help!
Bearman Charity Challenge 2010Click on the banner below to check out
Bearman... Continue reading ...
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Wednesday, March 24, 2010,
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Thursday, December 31, 2009,
Originally published on December 8, 2009.
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Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Saturday, December 26, 2009,
Originally published on September 2, 2009.
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