Post #900!
Hey everyone! So this is post number 900! It's hard for me to wrap my head around that number but I do remind myself that it isn't all that big when it comes to daily comic strips. Nevertheless, a milestone's a milestone so here we are!
I'd like to talk a bit about today's comic strip. In medicine, we spend years and years training and working to advance ourselves in our careers and to become better doctors. By the time we find ourselves just about ready to take the world on we realize that it had moved on without us. We are no longer the young upstarts entering medical school that we once were and the prime years of our lives had passed us by. Indeed, by the time we have acquired a certain degree of confidence as physicians, we find ourselves in the shell of a person in a surprisingly advanced age. If you aren't a doctor and you do find this phenomenon familiar, yes, I do believe it is not an experience exclusive to medicine.
However, I did find in hindsight that time stood still while training in a hospital. There, all facets of the temporal world of a lifetime are present in any given moment. From the beginnings of life to its twilight moments and everything in between. In fact, many of my best and worst years were spent as a medical student and as a struggling new physician.
Admittedly, there was a time when I'd look at the lives of others and wish I was in their shoes. But now I've found that to be a pointless exercise. No two lives are the same and everything is relative. One needs to look at their own life and make the most out of living, I suppose.
I guess it all depends on how you look at life. As Obi-Wan Kenobi
put it, many of the truths we hold dear depend greatly on our own point
of view. So here's my perspective: no one made me choose a medical
career. I opted to take that hard, hard road all on my own. And while I
was on it life wasn't passing me by, I was living it. I was growing
and learning in the halls of a world where time stood still.