Welcome to Callous!  Follow Dr. Rianne Nicah, a struggling physician, as she braves the world with her Guardian Duck, Cal Duck! Published in print since August 7, 1996, online since 1997! Click on a comic strip's link to view and enter comments! 

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13 March 2014

Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Give it to me straight... but not that straight!
    While in training to become a doctor or a specialist, one has the "license" to make mistakes.  It is the same as in any field of expertise, while you're in training you can make errors and learn from them because you have your mentors looking after you.  Because when all the training is done and you find yourself managing multiple patients on your own there would be no more room for error.
    There are many kinds of mentors and I was fortunate to have the kind that treated me as a colleague from the beginning of my training.  As opposed to those who were drill sergeants fond of chewing out their subordinates, embarrassing them in front of patients, and treating them like hired help ("Wash my car!", "Make me breakfast!", "Carry my bags!").
    In the above comic strip, Dr. Bagdasarian, Rianne's senior consultant in her department, disagreed with her assessment and management plan.  Nevertheless, he would rather discuss the matter further outside, beyond the patient's perception, so as not to shake his confidence in Rianne.  Most physicians understand just how precious that confidence is and to me, that makes a good mentor.

Tags: bagdasarian  rianne  hospital  patient  mentor  training 
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All Callous comic strips are written and illustrated by Carlo Jose San Juan unless otherwise specified.  Lettering by Carlo Jose S. San Juan, MD and Phil Elliott  

Callous, Callous Comics, The Callous Comic Strip and all related characters, images, and situations are Copyright 1996, 2025 Carlo Jose San Juan

Cal Duck and Dr. Rianne Nicah of Callous Comics
Creative Commons License
Callous - The Comic Strip by Carlo Jose S. San Juan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at callouscomics.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://callouscomics.com.

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