From the start of this week-long break,
Callous will be open for guest comics for display on the website! Even when the series kicks off again on March 22, I'm willing to showcase these comics alongside my own. If you're interested, read on!
Guest material is not restricted to comic strips! You may submit artwork depicting characters or situations from the
Callous comic strip and/or anything inspired by the series.
Only G-rated material will be accepted for display on the website. PG-rated artwork may be accepted depending on the content.
If you have any web page or online comics that you wish to promote, let me know! I'll attach a link to your site alongside your submitted art.
And no worries, I will not reproduce your art outside the display on this website, claim any credit for the art itself (other than as creator of any
Callous-related characters depicted), and will not use your art for advertising or any form of monetary compensation!
You may e-mail calduckmd@gmail.com with your attached artwork (JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats only) in any resolution or if you have any inquiries. You can also contact me on Twitter (@callouscomics)! Your art/comic strip will be displayed on the main and guest art pages in 72 dpi at a width of 697 pixels. No alterations to your art will be done.
Furthermore, if at any point do you wish to have your art removed and deleted from this site, just let me know and I'll promptly do so. There will be no saved copy in the site's database or in any of my personal databases.
I hope to hear from you!
P.S. Before you ask, I can't pay for any submitted art! If you want any form of compensation that is not mentioned above, please do not send your art to me. Thank you, have a great day!